These Shackles are used with Twin-Path® and Uni-Path® slings

Dimensions (inch) for Green-Pin® ALLOY Wide Body Shackles Type 6033
Working Load Limit Diameter Bow Diameter Pin Diameter Eye Width Eye Width Inside Length Inside Width Bow Length Length Bolt Width Thickness Nut Bearing Surface Weight Each
t a inch b inch c inch d inch e inch f inch g inch h inch i inch j inch k inch l inch lbs
7 7/8 7/8 113/16 3/4 19/32 325/32 217/32 6 417/32 45/16 3/4 15/16 4.41
12.5 11/8 11/8 23/8 1 13/4 43/4 31/4 73/4 515/16 53/4 15/16 21/8 8.82
18 13/8 13/8 223/32 13/16 21/8 513/16 41/32 913/32 67/8 73/32 15/32 217/32 18
30 19/16 121/32 317/32 13/8 223/32 61/2 431/32 1031/32 85/16 77/8 111/32 31/8 29
40 25/32 2 49/32 125/32 35/16 727/32 51/2 131/32 929/32 91/4 11/2 313/16 46
55 23/8 21/4 417/32 25/32 317/32 97/16 65/16 155/16 1125/32 105/8 125/32 315/16 66
75 211/16 23/4 429/32 21/8 411/32 1113/32 79/32 185/8 127/8 1215/32 21/8 423/32 106
125 311/32 35/32 61/16 311/32 513/32 1413/32 821/32 2215/16 1625/32 1511/32 217/32 529/32 203
150 311/16 33/4 71/16 31/2 525/32 1513/32 931/32 2513/32 171/8 173/32 131/32 611/16 309
200 411/32 41/8 727/32 315/16 67/32 1815/16 111/32 297/8 181/2 1831/32 131/32 81/16 452
250 431/32 423/32 815/16 411/32 71/16 2111/32 1113/16 3313/16 207/16 207/8 23/8 97/16 582
300 55/16 59/32 921/32 413/16 711/16 2321/32 1325/32 379/32 225/8 2413/32 23/4 107/16 794
400 65/16 65/16 1117/32 523/32 93/32 2211/16 149/16 3825/32 269/16 275/32 35/32 1219/32 1279
500 611/16 73/32 1229/32 65/16 1011/32 2613/16 1723/32 4417/32 297/16 313/32 317/32 1311/32 1720
600 715/32 77/8 1311/16 611/16 113/8 293/16 199/32 4819/32 3127/32 341/16 315/16 149/16 2161
700 77/8 815/32 157/16 715/32 1213/32 299/16 211/4 509/16 3419/32 3515/32 315/16 153/4 2998
800 819/32 91/16 1617/32 77/8 1315/32 331/2 2113/16 565/32 373/32 379/32 411/32 1617/32 3153
900 917/32 101/32 1811/32 821/32 141/2 331/2 2227/32 5819/32 409/32 409/32 423/32 175/16 3638
1000 101/4 105/8 199/32 97/16 1523/32 331/2 243/16 605/16 437/16 4319/32 423/32 181/8 6548
1250 117/32 1113/16 203/32 101/4 1725/32 3621/32 2519/32 6519/32 485/16 4617/32 529/32 207/8 8157
1550 117/32 1219/32 2121/32 111/32 191/32 3713/32 2625/32 675/16 513/16 4911/32 529/32 221/16 8818

7 tons through 300 tons: Proof load is 2 WLL, ultimate strength is 5 x WLL
400 tons through 1500 tons: Proof Load is 1.33 x WLL, ultimate strength is 5 x WLL.
Side loading will reduce WLL. Call for details