The importance of proof testing after a visual inspection. Above is a picture of a 1inch diameter 2-leg Gr 80 chain sling where a welded link was used to connect the eye to the sling hook. The welded link broke and stretched just below the 94,000 lbs. Proof Load. Looks like a crack in the weld not visible to the naked eyes made the link to break. That’s why we use factory welded chains and mechanical couplers to avoid custom shop welding of chain links. ALL of our chain slings, brand new or used, are proof tested to meet the AWRF Recommended “Guideline (RP&G) for Proof Test of Chain Slings”. The Test certificates are digitally available anywhere and at any time. For all your chain sling inspections and recertifications contact UNIROPE® Alberta-Ontario-Quebec.

Find out more about our Chain & Wire Mesh Slings.