Capacité nominale d’élingue de chaîne grade 100

basé sur B30.9-1, 2010 et NACM
(Aucune capacité mensionnée dans le B30.9, Edition 2014)

Grade 100 Capacities in LBS DF 4:1 Version IV December 22nd, 2015
Sizes up to 7/8″ diameter are ASME B30.9-2010 and NACM, larger sizes according to US manufacturers DF 4:1
Vertical Choker * 2 leg Bridle or Basket 3- and 4 leg Bridle
60° 45° 30° 60° 45° 30°
7/32 5.5 2,700 2,000 4,700 3,800 2,700 7,000 5,700 4,000
(7/32+) 6 (2) 3,100 2,300 5,400 4,400 3,100 8,100 6,600 4,700
1/4 – 9/32 7 4,300 3,200 7,400 6,100 4,300 11,200 9,100 6,400
5/16 8 5,700 4,300 9,900 8,100 5,700 14,800 12,100 8,500
3/8 10 8,800 6,600 15,200 12,400 8,800 22,900 18,700 13,200
1/2 13 15,000 11,300 26,000 21,200 15,000 39,000 31,800 22,500
5/8 16 22,600 17,000 39,100 32,000 22,600 58,700 47,900 33,900
3/4 19/20 35,300 26,500 61,100 49,900 35,300 91,700 74,900 53,000
7/8 22 42,700 32,000 74,000 60,400 42,700 110,900 90,600 64,000
1 26 59,700 44,800 103,400 84,400 59,700 155,100 126,600 89,600
1-1/4 32 90,400 67,800 156,600 127,800 90,400 234,000 191,800 135,600
Grade 100 Capacities in LBS, DF 5:1 Version IV December 22nd, 2015
Sizes up to 7/8″ diameter based on ASME B30.9-2010 and NACM, larger sizes according to US manufacturers
These Capacities are not listed by any standard but are calculated by Unirope.
Vertical Choker * 2 leg Bridle or Basket 3- and 4 leg Bridle
or double basket
60° 45° 30° 60° 45° 30°
7/32 55 2,200 1,700 3,800 3,100 2,200 5,700 4,700 3,300
(7/32+) 6 (2) 2,500 1,900 4,300 3,500 2,500 6,500 5,300 3,800
1/4 – 9/32 7 3,400 2,600 5,900 4,800 3,400 8,800 7,200 5,100
5/16 8 4,600 3,500 8,000 6,500 4,600 12,000 9,800 6,900
3/8 10 7,000 5,300 12,100 9,900 7,000 18,200 14,800 10,500
1/2 13 12,000 9,000 20,800 17,000 12,000 31,200 25,500 18,000
5/8 16 18,100 13,600 31,400 25,600 18,100 47,000 38,400 27,200
3/4 19/20 28,200 21,200 48,800 39,900 28,200 73,300 59,800 42,300
7/8 22 34,200 25,700 59,200 48,400 34,200 88,900 72,500 51,300
1 26 47,800 35,900 82,800 67,600 47,800 124,200 101,400 71,700
1-1/4 32 72,300 54,200 125,200 102,200 72,300 187,800 153,400 108,500
Grade 100 Capacities in KGS DF 4:1 Version IV December 22nd, 2015
Sizes up to 7/8″ diameter are ASME B30.9-2010 and NACM, larger sizes according to US manufacturers DF 4:1
Vertical Choker * 2 leg Bridle or Basket 3- and 4 leg Bridle
60° 45° 30° 60° 45° 30°
7/32 5.5 1,200 900 2,100 1,700 1,200 3,100 2,500 4,000
(7/32+) 6 (2) 1,400 1,100 2,400 2,000 1,400 3,600 3,000 2,100
1/4 – 9/32 7 2,000 1,500 3,500 2,800 2,000 5,200 4,200 6,400
5/16 8 2,600 2,000 4,500 3,700 2,600 6,800 5,500 8,500
3/8 10 4,000 3,000 6,900 5,700 4,000 10,400 8,500 6,000
1/2 13 6,800 5,100 11,800 9,600 6,800 17,700 14,400 10,200
5/8 16 10,300 7,700 17,800 14,600 10,300 26,800 21,800 15,500
3/4 19/20 16,000 12,000 27,700 22,600 16,000 41,600 33,900 24,000
7/8 22 19,400 14,600 33,600 27,400 19,400 50,400 41,200 29,100
1 26 27,100 20,300 46,900 38,300 27,100 70,400 57,500 40,700
1-1/4 32 41,000 30,800 71,000 58,000 41,000 106,500 87,000 61,500
Grade 100 Capacities in KGS, DF 5:1 Version IV December 22nd, 2015
Sizes up to 7/8″ diameter based on ASME B30.9-2010 and NACM, larger sizes according to US manufacturers
These Capacities are not listed by any standard but are calculated by Unirope.
Vertical Choker * 2 leg Bridle or Basket 3- and 4 leg Bridle
or double basket
60° 45° 30° 60° 45° 30°
7/32 5.5 1,000 800 1,700 1,400 1,000 2,600 2,100 1,500
(7/32+) 6 (2) 1,100 800 1,900 1,600 1,100 2,900 2,300 1,700
1/4 – 9/32 7 1,600 1,200 2,800 2,300 1,600 4,200 3,400 2,400
5/16 8 2,100 1,600 3,600 3,000 2,100 5,500 4,500 3,200
3/8 10 3,200 2,400 5,500 4,500 3,200 8,300 6,800 4,800
1/2 13 5,400 4,100 9,400 7,600 5,400 14,000 11,500 8,100
5/8 16 8,200 6,200 14,200 11,600 8,200 21,300 17,400 12,300
3/4 19/20 12,800 9,600 22,200 18,100 12,800 33,300 27,200 19,200
7/8 22 15,500 11,600 26,800 21,900 15,500 40,300 32,900 23,300
1 26 21,700 16,300 37,600 30,700 21,700 56,400 46,000 32,600
1-1/4 32 32,800 24,600 56,800 46,400 32,800 85,200 69,600 49,200

* = Les Capacites de Choker ne sont PAS attribués par aucune norme. Ils sont calculés avec une capacité verticale de 75%.

(2) 6 mm de taille est l’équivalent européen de 7/32 utilisé par Crosby, Peerless et chaque fabricant européen de chaînes. Nos composants sont dimensionnés pour cette capacité de 6 mm. Notez que 6 mm n’est PAS répertorié dans ASME B30.9-2010

Les tailles indiquées en vert sont stockées dans l’inventaire.
La chaîne de la grade 100 est également utilisée avec des composants sélectionnés de la grade 80 avec des capacités de grade 80.