Élingue de chaîne en alliage de grade 80
Capacité nominale d’élingue de chaîne Grade 80
basé sur B30.9-1, 2010 et NACM
(Aucune capacité mensionnée dans le B30.9, Edition 2014)

Unirope Grade 80 Capacities in LBS DF 4:1 | Version IV December 22nd, 2015 | ||||||||
To ASME B30.9-2010 and NACM, DF 4:1 | |||||||||
Size inch |
Size mm |
Vertical | Choker * | 2 leg Bridle or Basket | 3- and 4 leg Bridle or double basket |
60° | 45° | 30° | 60° | 45° | 30° | ||||
1/4 – 9/32 | 7 | 3,500 | 2,600 | 6,100 | 4,900 | 3,500 | 9,100 | 7,400 | 5,200 |
5/16 | 8 | 4,500 | 3,400 | 7,800 | 6,400 | 4,500 | 11,700 | 9,500 | 6,800 |
3/8 | 10 | 7,100 | 5,300 | 12,300 | 10,000 | 7,100 | 18,400 | 15,100 | 10,600 |
1/2 | 13 | 12,000 | 9,000 | 20,800 | 17,000 | 12,000 | 31,200 | 25,500 | 18,000 |
5/8 | 16 | 18,100 | 13,600 | 31,400 | 25,600 | 18,100 | 47,000 | 38,400 | 27,100 |
3/4 | 19/20 | 28,300 | 21,200 | 49,000 | 40,000 | 28,300 | 73,500 | 60,000 | 42,400 |
7/8 | 22 | 34,200 | 25,700 | 59,200 | 48,400 | 34,200 | 88,900 | 72,500 | 51,300 |
1 | 26 | 47,700 | 35,800 | 82,600 | 67,500 | 47,700 | 123,900 | 101,200 | 71,500 |
1-1/4 | 32 | 72,300 | 54,200 | 125,200 | 102,200 | 72,300 | 187,800 | 153,400 | 108,400 |
Unirope Grade 80 Capacities in LBS DF 5:1 | Version IV December 22nd, 2015 | ||||||||
Based on ASME B30.9-2010 and NACM These Capacities are not listed by any standard but are calculated by Unirope. |
Size inch |
Size mm |
Vertical | Choker * | 2 leg Bridle or Basket (2) | 3- and 4 leg Bridle or double basket |
60° | 45° | 30° | 60° | 45° | 30° | ||||
1/4 – 9/32 | 7 | 2,800 | 2,100 | 4,800 | 4,000 | 2,800 | 7,300 | 5,900 | 4,200 |
5/16 | 8 | 3,600 | 2,700 | 6,200 | 5,100 | 3,600 | 9,400 | 7,600 | 5,400 |
3/8 | 10 | 5,700 | 4,300 | 9,900 | 8,100 | 5,700 | 14,800 | 12,100 | 8,600 |
1/2 | 13 | 9,600 | 7,200 | 16,600 | 13,600 | 9,600 | 24,900 | 20,400 | 14,400 |
5/8 | 16 | 14,500 | 10,900 | 25,100 | 20,500 | 14,500 | 37,700 | 30,800 | 21,800 |
3/4 | 19/20 | 22,600 | 17,000 | 39,100 | 32,000 | 22,600 | 58,700 | 47,900 | 33,900 |
7/8 | 22 | 27,400 | 20,600 | 47,500 | 38,700 | 27,400 | 71,200 | 58,100 | 41,100 |
1 | 26 | 38,200 | 28,700 | 66,200 | 54,000 | 38,200 | 99,200 | 81,000 | 57,300 |
1-1/4 | 32 | 57,800 | 43,400 | 100,100 | 81,700 | 57,800 | 150,200 | 122,600 | 86,700 |
Unirope Grade 80 Capacities in KGS DF 4:1 | Version IV December 22nd, 2015 | ||||||||
To ASME B30.9-2010 and NACM, DF 4:1 | |||||||||
Size inch |
Size mm |
Vertical | Choker * | 2 leg Bridle or Basket | 3- and 4 leg Bridle or double basket |
60° | 45° | 30° | 60° | 45° | 30° | ||||
1/4 – 9/32 | 7 | 1,600 | 1,200 | 2,800 | 2,300 | 1,600 | 4,200 | 3,400 | 2,400 |
5/16 | 8 | 2,000 | 1,500 | 3,500 | 2,800 | 2,000 | 5,200 | 4,200 | 3,000 |
3/8 | 10 | 3,200 | 2,400 | 5,500 | 4,500 | 3,200 | 8,300 | 6,800 | 4,800 |
1/2 | 13 | 5,400 | 4,100 | 9,400 | 7,600 | 5,400 | 14,000 | 11,500 | 8,100 |
5/8 | 16 | 8,200 | 6,200 | 14,200 | 11,600 | 8,200 | 21,300 | 17,400 | 12,300 |
3/4 | 19/20 | 12,800 | 9,600 | 22,200 | 18,100 | 12,800 | 33,300 | 27,200 | 19,200 |
7/8 | 22 | 15,500 | 11,600 | 26,800 | 21,900 | 15,500 | 40,300 | 32,900 | 23,300 |
1 | 26 | 21,600 | 16,200 | 37,400 | 30,500 | 21,600 | 56,100 | 45,800 | 32,400 |
1-1/4 | 32 | 32,800 | 24,600 | 56,800 | 46,400 | 32,800 | 85,200 | 69,600 | 49,200 |
Unirope Grade 80 Capacities in KGS DF 5:1 | Version IV December 22nd, 2015 | ||||||||
Based on ASME B30.9-2010 and NACM These Capacities are not listed by any standard but are calculated by Unirope. |
Size inch |
Size mm |
Vertical | Choker * | 2 leg Bridle or Basket (2) | 3- and 4 leg Bridle or double basket |
60° | 45° | 30° | 60° | 45° | 30° | ||||
1/4 – 9/32 | 7 | 1,300 | 1,000 | 2,300 | 1,800 | 1,300 | 3,400 | 2,800 | 2,000 |
5/16 | 8 | 1,600 | 1,200 | 2,800 | 2,300 | 1,600 | 4,200 | 3,400 | 2,400 |
3/8 | 10 | 2,600 | 2,000 | 4,500 | 3,700 | 2,600 | 6,800 | 5,500 | 3,900 |
1/2 | 13 | 4,300 | 3,200 | 7,400 | 6,100 | 4,300 | 11,200 | 9,100 | 6,500 |
5/8 | 16 | 6,600 | 5,000 | 11,400 | 9,300 | 6,600 | 17,100 | 14,000 | 9,900 |
3/4 | 19/20 | 10,200 | 7,700 | 17,700 | 14,400 | 10,200 | 26,500 | 21,600 | 15,300 |
7/8 | 22 | 12,400 | 9,300 | 21,500 | 17,500 | 12,400 | 32,200 | 26,300 | 18,600 |
1 | 26 | 17,300 | 13,000 | 30,000 | 24,500 | 17,300 | 44,900 | 36,700 | 26,000 |
1-1/4 | 32 | 26,200 | 19,700 | 45,400 | 37,100 | 26,200 | 68,100 | 55,600 | 39,300 |
* = Les Capacites de Choker ne sont PAS attribués par aucune norme. Ils sont calculés avec une capacité verticale de 75%.
1-1/4” est le seul Grade 80 que nous avons. Cette grosseur n’est pas disponible en grade 100.