During fabrication, ropes are lubricated; the kind and amount depending on the rope’s size, type and use, if known. This in-process treatment will provide the finished rope with ample protection for a reasonable time if it is stored under proper conditions, and in the early stages of the rope’s working life. It must be supplemented, however, at regular intervals since possible corrosion and increased friction within the rope greatly reduce its working life. Python® ropes are factory lubricated using either Nyrosten N 800 or Nyrosten T 55. Both of these types are being heated up to about 250°C during the factory application. At room temperature they have the consistency of molasses or thick honey which makes it impractial to impossible to use these ‘original’ types “in the field” to re-lubricate the ropes. For ‘field’ re-lubrication the Nyrosten company has formulated two special types:
Nyrosten SEILOL
in 14 oz Spray Cans
Nyrosten SEILOL
in 18.9 litres / 5 gal. drums
Nyrosten has a brown consistency and has terrific creep properties to penetrate to the rope’s inside. Nyrosten SEILOL can be applied with air-pressure sprayers.
Download Nyrosten Seilol Compound (Spray Cans) SDS ENGLISH
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Download Nyrosten Seilol Compound (5 gallon drums) SDS ENGLISH
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