Chain & Wire Mesh Slings
Unirope’s Grade 100 chains are used in many tough lifting operations and are preferred where the demands on ruggedness and flexibility are high. But, they are “heavy” and they still are only as strong as their “weakest link”. Because of that, CONSISTENT quality and regular inspections are of utmost importance.
Our chain components are made to Unirope quality standards and meet ASTM A952/A952M. Most importantly, our markings meet this and the ASME B30.9 standard. In fact, our sling tags exceed the ASME B30.9 and Canadian Provincial requirements as we list ALL applicable lifting angles separately and include serial numbers and date of manufacture or repair.
Our alloy chain is made to ASTM 972 (Grade 100) and ASTM 391 (grade 80) in either the USA or Germany. We DO NOT use chains made in China, Korea, India, or elsewhere in the Far east.
Furthermore: WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL. We do the inspection, repairs and PROOF TESTING. Our Ontario, Quebec and Edmonton locations have state of the art and ASTM E4 calibrated pull test beds. Our Field Inspection Service is equipped with Mobile Test Beds and performs these services at your plant (Canada is large, so some travel restrictions may apply). By the way: not only ours but other brands’ as well. Plus, we repair, test and re-certify all kinds of lifting products. Check out this link.

Any warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the use of all lifting sling products apply to the minimum breaking strengths of new, unused lifting slings and hardware when tested in a standard testing machine, under controlled conditions, in direct tension, and at a uniform rate of speed. The Terms ‘Working Load Limit (WLL)’, ‘Capacity’, ‘Minimum Breaking Strength’, ‘Nominal Breaking Strength’, or ‘Acceptance Strength’ contains no implication of what load a lifting sling or hardware will withstand if not properly used, or if it suffers abuse. All equipment using lifting slings and hardware must be properly maintained. Lifting slings, and all hardware must be properly stored, handled, used and maintained. Most importantly, all lifting slings and hardware must be regularly inspected before and during each use. Inspections must meet ASME B30 standard series, other local, or applicable national safety regulations. Damage, abuse, overloading, or improper maintenance can cause failure and accidents. If in doubt about the safe and proper use of these products consult Unirope®.
Failure to comply with this warning may result in sling failure and severe personal injury or death.