CAD Files
Designation Item
M Add.
PowerPoint PP-VIP4-0,63t-M12 7989525 630 0.25 4 41 40 36 18 M12
PowerPoint PP-VIP6-1,5t-M16 7989526 1,500 0.45 6 50 46 41 25 M16
PowerPoint PP-VIP8-2,5t-M20 7989527 2,500 0.95 8 61 61 55 30 M20
PowerPoint PP-VIP10-4t-M24 7989528 4,000 2.20 10 77 78 70 36 M24
PowerPoint PP-VIP13-5t-M30 7989529 5,000 3.50 13 93 95 85 45 M30
PowerPoint PP-VIP16-8t-M36 7989530 8,000 5.20 16 102 100 90 54 M36
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP4-0,6t-M12 with variable length 8600320 600 4 47 42 36 12–140 M12
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP6-1,0t-M14 with variable length 8600326 1,000 6 58 48 41 14–65 M14
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP6-1,3t-M16 with variable length 8600321 1,300 6 58 48 41 16–180 M16
PowerPoint PP-VIP8-2,5t-M20 with variable length 8600302 2,500 8 61 61 55 20–200 M20
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP10-3,5t-M24 with variable length 8600323 3,500 10 94 81 70 24–255 M24
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP13-5t-M30 with variable length 8600324 5,000 13 108 99 85 30–330 M30
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP4-0,6t-M12 with max-length F=140 8600320 600 0.40 4 47 42 36 140 M12
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP6-1,0t-M14 with max-length F=65 8600326 1,000 0.57 6 58 48 41 65 M14
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP6-1,3t-M16 with max-length F=180 8600321 1,300 0.77 6 58 48 41 180 M16
PowerPoint PP-VIP8-2,5t-M20 with max-length F=200 8600302 2,500 1.30 8 61 61 55 200 M20
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP10-3,5t-M24 with max-length F=255 8600323 3,500 3.20 10 94 81 70 255 M24
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP10-3,5t-M27 with max-length F=92 7900521 3,500 2.96 10 94 81 70 92 M27
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP13-5t-M30 with max-length F=330 8600324 5,000 4.90 13 108 99 85 330 M30

* Working Load Limit      Lifting Capacity      Indicate Length Upon Request

CAD Files
Designation Item
M Add.
PowerPoint PP-VIP4-0,63t-M12 7989525 1,385 0.55 532 158 1916 12764 1116 M12
PowerPoint PP-VIP6-1,5t-M16 7989526 3,300 0.99 1564 13132 11316 158 6364 M16
PowerPoint PP-VIP8-2,5t-M20 7989527 5,500 2.09 516 21332 21332 2532 1316 M20
PowerPoint PP-VIP10-4t-M24 7989528 8,800 4.85 38 3132 3116 234 12764 M24
PowerPoint PP-VIP13-5t-M30 7989529 11,000 7.72 12 32132 334 31132 12532 M30
PowerPoint PP-VIP16-8t-M36 7989530 17,600 11.46 58 4 31516 31732 218 M36
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP4-0,6t-M12 with variable length 8600320 1,320 532 178 12132 11332 12–512 M12
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP6-1,0t-M14 with variable length 8600326 2,200 1564 2932 178 158 916–2916 M14
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP6-1,3t-M16 with variable length 8600321 2,860 1564 2932 178 158 58–7116 M16
PowerPoint PP-VIP8-2,5t-M20 with variable length 8600302 5,500 516 21332 21332 2532 1316–778 M20
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP10-3,5t-M24 with variable length 8600323 7,700 1332 31116 3316 234 1–10 M24
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP13-5t-M30 with variable length 8600324 11,000 12 414 378 31132 1316–13 M30
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP4-0,6t-M12 with max-length F=140 8600320 1,320 0.88 532 178 12132 12764 512 M12
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP6-1,0t-M14 with max-length F=65 8600326 2,200 1.26 1564 2932 178 158 2916 M14
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP6-1,3t-M16 with max-length F=180 8600321 2,860 1.70 1564 2932 178 158 7116 M16
PowerPoint PP-VIP8-2,5t-M20 with max-length F=200 8600302 5,500 2.87 516 21332 21332 2532 778 M20
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP10-3,5t-M24 with max-length F=255 8600323 7,700 7.05 38 31116 3316 234 10132 M24
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP10-3,5t-M27 with max-length F=92 7900521 7,700 6.53 88 31116 3316 234 358 M27
So-PowerPoint PP-VIP13-5t-M30 with max-length F=330 8600324 11,000 10.80 12 414 378 31132 13 M30

* Working Load Limit      Lifting Capacity      Indicate Length Upon Request