Grade 100 Chain Sling Rated Capacities

based on B30.9-1, 2010 and NACM
(no Capacities listed in B30.9, 2014 issue)

Grade 100 Capacities in LBS DF 4:1 Version IV December 22nd, 2015
Sizes up to 7/8″ diameter are ASME B30.9-2010 and NACM, larger sizes according to US manufacturers DF 4:1
Vertical Choker * 2 leg Bridle or Basket 3- and 4 leg Bridle
60° 45° 30° 60° 45° 30°
7/32 5.5 2,700 2,000 4,700 3,800 2,700 7,000 5,700 4,000
(7/32+) 6 (2) 3,100 2,300 5,400 4,400 3,100 8,100 6,600 4,700
1/4 – 9/32 7 4,300 3,200 7,400 6,100 4,300 11,200 9,100 6,400
5/16 8 5,700 4,300 9,900 8,100 5,700 14,800 12,100 8,500
3/8 10 8,800 6,600 15,200 12,400 8,800 22,900 18,700 13,200
1/2 13 15,000 11,300 26,000 21,200 15,000 39,000 31,800 22,500
5/8 16 22,600 17,000 39,100 32,000 22,600 58,700 47,900 33,900
3/4 19/20 35,300 26,500 61,100 49,900 35,300 91,700 74,900 53,000
7/8 22 42,700 32,000 74,000 60,400 42,700 110,900 90,600 64,000
1 26 59,700 44,800 103,400 84,400 59,700 155,100 126,600 89,600
1-1/4 32 90,400 67,800 156,600 127,800 90,400 234,000 191,800 135,600
Grade 100 Capacities in LBS, DF 5:1 Version IV December 22nd, 2015
Sizes up to 7/8″ diameter based on ASME B30.9-2010 and NACM, larger sizes according to US manufacturers
These Capacities are not listed by any standard but are calculated by Unirope.
Vertical Choker * 2 leg Bridle or Basket 3- and 4 leg Bridle
or double basket
60° 45° 30° 60° 45° 30°
7/32 55 2,200 1,700 3,800 3,100 2,200 5,700 4,700 3,300
(7/32+) 6 (2) 2,500 1,900 4,300 3,500 2,500 6,500 5,300 3,800
1/4 – 9/32 7 3,400 2,600 5,900 4,800 3,400 8,800 7,200 5,100
5/16 8 4,600 3,500 8,000 6,500 4,600 12,000 9,800 6,900
3/8 10 7,000 5,300 12,100 9,900 7,000 18,200 14,800 10,500
1/2 13 12,000 9,000 20,800 17,000 12,000 31,200 25,500 18,000
5/8 16 18,100 13,600 31,400 25,600 18,100 47,000 38,400 27,200
3/4 19/20 28,200 21,200 48,800 39,900 28,200 73,300 59,800 42,300
7/8 22 34,200 25,700 59,200 48,400 34,200 88,900 72,500 51,300
1 26 47,800 35,900 82,800 67,600 47,800 124,200 101,400 71,700
1-1/4 32 72,300 54,200 125,200 102,200 72,300 187,800 153,400 108,500
Grade 100 Capacities in KGS DF 4:1 Version IV December 22nd, 2015
Sizes up to 7/8″ diameter are ASME B30.9-2010 and NACM, larger sizes according to US manufacturers DF 4:1
Vertical Choker * 2 leg Bridle or Basket 3- and 4 leg Bridle
60° 45° 30° 60° 45° 30°
7/32 5.5 1,200 900 2,100 1,700 1,200 3,100 2,500 4,000
(7/32+) 6 (2) 1,400 1,100 2,400 2,000 1,400 3,600 3,000 2,100
1/4 – 9/32 7 2,000 1,500 3,500 2,800 2,000 5,200 4,200 6,400
5/16 8 2,600 2,000 4,500 3,700 2,600 6,800 5,500 8,500
3/8 10 4,000 3,000 6,900 5,700 4,000 10,400 8,500 6,000
1/2 13 6,800 5,100 11,800 9,600 6,800 17,700 14,400 10,200
5/8 16 10,300 7,700 17,800 14,600 10,300 26,800 21,800 15,500
3/4 19/20 16,000 12,000 27,700 22,600 16,000 41,600 33,900 24,000
7/8 22 19,400 14,600 33,600 27,400 19,400 50,400 41,200 29,100
1 26 27,100 20,300 46,900 38,300 27,100 70,400 57,500 40,700
1-1/4 32 41,000 30,800 71,000 58,000 41,000 106,500 87,000 61,500
Grade 100 Capacities in KGS, DF 5:1 Version IV December 22nd, 2015
Sizes up to 7/8″ diameter based on ASME B30.9-2010 and NACM, larger sizes according to US manufacturers
These Capacities are not listed by any standard but are calculated by Unirope.
Vertical Choker * 2 leg Bridle or Basket 3- and 4 leg Bridle
or double basket
60° 45° 30° 60° 45° 30°
7/32 5.5 1,000 800 1,700 1,400 1,000 2,600 2,100 1,500
(7/32+) 6 (2) 1,100 800 1,900 1,600 1,100 2,900 2,300 1,700
1/4 – 9/32 7 1,600 1,200 2,800 2,300 1,600 4,200 3,400 2,400
5/16 8 2,100 1,600 3,600 3,000 2,100 5,500 4,500 3,200
3/8 10 3,200 2,400 5,500 4,500 3,200 8,300 6,800 4,800
1/2 13 5,400 4,100 9,400 7,600 5,400 14,000 11,500 8,100
5/8 16 8,200 6,200 14,200 11,600 8,200 21,300 17,400 12,300
3/4 19/20 12,800 9,600 22,200 18,100 12,800 33,300 27,200 19,200
7/8 22 15,500 11,600 26,800 21,900 15,500 40,300 32,900 23,300
1 26 21,700 16,300 37,600 30,700 21,700 56,400 46,000 32,600
1-1/4 32 32,800 24,600 56,800 46,400 32,800 85,200 69,600 49,200

* = Choker Capacities are NOT assigned by any standard. They are calculated with 75% Vertical Capacity.

(2) = 6 mm size is the European equivalent of 7/32+ used by Crosby, Peerless and every European chain manufacturer. Our components are sized for this 6 mm Capacity.
Note that 6 mm is NOT listed in ASME B30.9-2010.

Sizes listed in green are what we carry in inventory.
Grade 100 chain is also used with selected Grade 80 components with Grade 80 Capacities.