Vacuum Lifting Beam
These Vacuum Lifting Beams are designed to handle large sheets or plates of metal in the primary metal industry as well as various other industries. Designed to your material weight and size requirements. Units can be operated with a pendant, crane mounted controls, or radio controls. Lifting beams are custom designed per application.
Product Features
- Trolley mounted crossarms for ease of adjustment.
- Vacuum pads and crossarms adjustable to handle a wide range of material sizes.
- Handles ferrous and non-ferrous material.
- Assures single sheet/plate handling.
- Minimizes product damage.
- Safety indicator lights.
- Vacuum reserve system to hold load during temporary power failure.
- Design assures quick attachment and release.
- AC power.
Product Options
- Powered rotation for horizontal location.
- Durable LED lights and gauges.
- Built in support stands.
- Low vacuum indicator warning system.
- DC power.
- High temperature environment capability up to 600 degrees Fahrenheit.